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Differential expression of core metabolic functions inCandidatusAltiarchaeum inhabiting distinct subsurface ecosystems

Esser et al. (2023).
Ca. Altiarchaea “Altiarchaeum” Ca. Altiarchaeum crystalense
AbstractCandidatusAltiarchaea are widespread across aquatic subsurface ecosystems and possess a highly conserved core genome, yet adaptations of this core genome to different biotic and abiotic factors based on gene expression remain unknown. Here, we investigated the metatranscriptome of twoCa. Altiarchaeum populations that thrive in two substantially different subsurface ecosystems. In Crystal Geyser, a high-CO2groundwater system in the USA,Ca. Altiarchaeum crystalense co-occurs with the symbi

Comparative Genomics Reveals Three Genetic Groups of the Whitefly Obligate Endosymbiont Candidatus Portiera aleyrodidarum

Lei et al. (2023). Insects 14 (11)
Ca. Portiera aleyrodidarum
Maternally inherited obligate endosymbionts codiverge with their invertebrate hosts and reflect their host’s evolutionary history. Whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) harbor one obligate endosymbiont, Candidatus Portiera aleyrodidarum (hereafter Portiera). Portiera was anciently acquired by whitefly and has been coevolving with its host ever since. Uncovering the divergence of endosymbionts provides a fundamental basis for inspecting the coevolutionary processes between the bacteria and their ho

Methanomethylophilus alvi gen. nov., sp. nov., a Novel Hydrogenotrophic Methyl-Reducing Methanogenic Archaea of the Order Methanomassiliicoccales Isolated from the Human Gut and Proposal of the Novel Family Methanomethylophilaceae fam. nov

Borrel et al. (2023). Microorganisms 11 (11)
Methanomethylophilus alvi T Methanomethylophilus Methanomethylophilaceae
The methanogenic strain Mx-05T was isolated from the human fecal microbiome. A phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene and protein marker genes indicated that the strain is affiliated with the order Methanomassiliicoccales. It shares 86.9% 16S rRNA gene sequence identity with Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensis, the only member of this order previously isolated. The cells of Mx-05T were non-motile cocci, with a diameter range of 0.4–0.7 μm. They grew anaerobically and reduced methanol, mo

Diversity and taxonomic revision of methanogens and other archaea in the intestinal tract of terrestrial arthropods

Protasov et al. (2023). Frontiers in Microbiology 14
“Bathycorpusculaceae” “Methanimicrococcus labiotermitis” “Methanoplasma cognatum” “Methanofrustulum fimipullorum” “Methanofilum” “Methanolapillus” “Methanomicula” “Methanomicula labiotermitis” “Bathycorpusculum acetigenes” “Bathycorpusculum acidaminoxidans” “Bathycorpusculum grumuli” “Bathycorpusculum terrae” “Methanolapillus millepedarum” “Methanolapillus africanus” “Methanimicrococcus stummii” “Methanimicrococcus odontotermitis” “Methanimicrococcus hongohii” “Methanimicrococcus hacksteinii” “Methanoplasma reticulitermitis” “Methanoplasma porotermitis” “Methanoplasma glyptotermitis” “Methanofrustulum” “Bathycorpusculum fermentans” “Bathycorpusculum termitum” “Methanorbis” “Methanorbis rubei” “Methanorbis furvi” “Methanorbis basalitermitum” “Methanacia” “Methanacia filiformis” “Methanarmilla” “Bathycorpusculum” “Bathycorpusculum soli” “Methanofilum arcanum” “Methanocatella” “Methanocatella smithii” “Methanocatella gottschalkii” “Methanocatella millerae” “Methanocatella oralis” “Methanocatella thaueri” “Methanocatella woesei” “Methanarmilla wolinii” “Methanarmilla boviskoreani” “Methanobinarius” “Methanobinarius arboriphilus” “Methanobinarius endosymbioticus” “Methanobaculum” “Methanobaculum cuticularis” “Methanoflexus” “Methanoflexus curvatus” “Methanoflexus mossambicus” “Methanorudis” “Methanovirga” “Methanovirga aequatorialis” “Methanovirga australis” “Methanovirga basalitermitum” “Methanovirga meridionalis” “Methanovirga procula” “Methanolapillus ohkumae” “Bathycorpusculum hydrogenotrophicum” “Methanorudis spinitermitis” Methanomethylophilus alvi T
Methane emission by terrestrial invertebrates is restricted to millipedes, termites, cockroaches, and scarab beetles. The arthropod-associated archaea known to date belong to the orders Methanobacteriales, Methanomassiliicoccales, Methanomicrobiales, and Methanosarcinales, and in a few cases also to non-methanogenic Nitrososphaerales and Bathyarchaeales. However, all major host groups are severely undersampled, and the taxonomy of existing lineages is not well developed. Full-length 16S rRNA gen

Genomic delineation and description of species and within-species lineages in the genus Pantoea

Crosby et al. (2023). Frontiers in Microbiology 14
Pantoea alvi Pantoea multigeneris Pantoea floridensis Pantoea haifensis Pantoea varia Pantoea rara Pantoea gossypiicola Pantoea bituminis Pantoea deserta Pantoea formicae Pantoea soli Pantoea astica Pantoea borealis Pantoea superficialis Pantoea symbiotica Pantoea communis
As the name of the genus Pantoea (“of all sorts and sources”) suggests, this genus includes bacteria with a wide range of provenances, including plants, animals, soils, components of the water cycle, and humans. Some members of the genus are pathogenic to plants, and some are suspected to be opportunistic human pathogens; while others are used as microbial pesticides or show promise in biotechnological applications. During its taxonomic history, the genus and its species have seen many revisions

Candidatus Kirkpatrickella diaphorinae gen. nov., sp. nov., an uncultured endosymbiont identified in a population of Diaphorina citri from Hawaii

Henry et al. (2023). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 73 (11)
Ca. Carsonella ruddii Ca. Kirkpatrickella diaphorinae Ca. Profftella armatura
Diaphorina citri is the hemipteran pest and vector of a devastating bacterial pathogen of citrus worldwide. In addition to the two core bacterial endosymbionts of D. citri, Candidatus Carsonella ruddii and Candidatus Profftella armatura, the genome of a novel endosymbiont and as of yet undescribed microbe was discovered in a Hawaiian D. citri population through deep sequencing of multiple D. citri populations. Found to be closely related to the genus

Genome sequence resource for “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” strain GDCZ from a historical HLB endemic region in China

Zheng et al. (2023). BMC Genomic Data 24 (1)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
Abstract Objectives “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” (CLas) is an un-culturable α-proteobacterium that caused citrus Huanglongbing (HLB), a destructive disease threatening citrus production worldwide. In China, the presence of HLB was first reported in Chaoshan region of Guangdong province, China around a century ago. Thus, whole genome information of CLas strains from Chaoshan area become the most important resource to understand the population diversity and e

Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Accumulation Contributes to Citrus sinensis Response against ‘Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus’ via Modulation of Multiple Metabolic Pathways and Redox Status

Nehela, Killiny (2023). Plants 12 (21)
Huanglongbing (HLB; also known as citrus greening) is the most destructive bacterial disease of citrus worldwide with no known sustainable cure yet. Herein, we used non-targeted metabolomics and transcriptomics to prove that γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) accumulation might influence the homeostasis of several metabolic pathways, as well as antioxidant defense machinery, and their metabolism-related genes. Overall, 41 metabolites were detected in ‘Valencia’ sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) leaf extrac