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Genomic Insights Into the Archaea Inhabiting an Australian Radioactive Legacy Site

Vázquez-Campos et al. (2021). Frontiers in Microbiology 12
“Nanoarchaeia” Ca. Tiddalikarchaeales Ca. Micrarchaeia “Tiddalikarchaeum” Ca. Norongarragalinales Ca. Micrarchaeales Ca. Norongarragalinaceae Ca. Micrarchaeaceae Ca. Norongarragalina meridionalis Ca. Anstonellales Ca. Norongarragalina Ca. Bilamarchaeaceae Ca. Bilamarchaeum dharawalense Ca. Anstonella Ca. Bilamarchaeum Ca. Burarchaeales Ca. Anstonellaceae Ca. Burarchaeaceae Ca. Anstonella stagnisolia Ca. Burarchaeum australiense Ca. Burarchaeum Ca. Gugararchaeales Ca. Gugararchaeum Ca. Gugararchaeaceae “Gugararchaeum adminiculabundum” Ca. Tiddalikarchaeaceae “Tiddalikarchaeum anstoanum” Ca. Methanoperedenaceae Ca. Methanoperedens Ca. Micrarchaeota
During the 1960s, small quantities of radioactive materials were co-disposed with chemical waste at the Little Forest Legacy Site (LFLS, Sydney, Australia). The microbial function and population dynamics in a waste trench during a rainfall event have been previously investigated revealing a broad abundance of candidate and potentially undescribed taxa in this iron-rich, radionuclide-contaminated environment. Applying genome-based metagenomic methods, we recovered 37 refined archaeal MAGs, mainly

Distribution, abundance, and ecogenomics of the Palauibacterales , a new cosmopolitan thiamine-producing order within the Gemmatimonadota phylum

Aldeguer-Riquelme et al. (2023). mSystems
Palauibacteraceae Palauibacterales Palauibacter Benthicola Humimonas Caribbeanibacter Carthagonibacter Indicimonas Kutchimonas Humimonas hydrogenitrophica Ts Caribbeanibacter nitroreducens Ts Benthicola marisminoris Ts Indicimonas acetifermentans Ts Benthicola azotiphorus Palauibacter soopunensis Ts Palauibacter scopulicola Palauibacter rhopaloidicola Palauibacter poriticola Palauibacter australiensis Palauibacter irciniicola Palauibacter denitrificans Carthagonibacter metallireducens Ts Kutchimonas denitrificans Ts Palauibacter polyketidifaciens Palauibacter ramosifaciens
ABSTRACT The phylum Gemmatimonadota comprises mainly uncultured microorganisms that inhabit different environments such as soils, freshwater lakes, marine sediments, sponges, or corals. Based on 16S rRNA gene studies, the group PAUC43f is one of the most frequently retrieved Gemmatimonadota in marine samples. However, its physiology and ecological roles are completely unknown since, to date, not a single PAUC43f isolate or me

New globally distributed bacterial phyla within the FCB superphylum

Gong et al. (2022). Nature Communications 13 (1)
“Orphanbacterum longqiense” “Joyebacterota” “Arandabacteraceae” “Arandabacterota” “Arandabacterales” “Arandabacteria” “Orphanbacterum” “Arandabacterum bohaiense” “Blakebacterota” “Orphanbacteraceae” “Joyebacterum haimaense” “Blakebacterum guaymasense” “Orphanbacterales” “Joyebacterum” “Blakebacterum” “Orphanbacteria” “Joyebacteraceae” “Blakebacteraceae” “Orphanbacterota” “Joyebacterales” “Blakebacterales” “Arandabacterum” “Joyebacteria” “Blakebacteria”
AbstractMicrobes in marine sediments play crucial roles in global carbon and nutrient cycling. However, our understanding of microbial diversity and physiology on the ocean floor is limited. Here, we use phylogenomic analyses of thousands of metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) from coastal and deep-sea sediments to identify 55 MAGs that are phylogenetically distinct from previously described bacterial phyla. We propose that these MAGs belong to 4 novel bacterial phyla (Blakebacterota, Orphanbact

Shedding Light on Microbial “Dark Matter”: Insights Into Novel Cloacimonadota and Omnitrophota From an Antarctic Lake

Williams et al. (2021). Frontiers in Microbiology 12
Cloacimonadota “Aadella gelida” “Aceula” “Aceula lacicola” “Aceula meridiana” “Gorgyraea” “Gorgyraea atricola” “Gygaella” “Gygaella obscura” “Kaelpia” “Kaelpia aquatica” “Kaelpia imicola” “Saelkia” “Saelkia tenebricola” “Tantalella” “Tantalella remota” “Zapsychrus” “Zapsychrus exili” “Aadella” “Susulua” “Susulua stagnicola”
The potential metabolism and ecological roles of many microbial taxa remain unknown because insufficient genomic data are available to assess their functional potential. Two such microbial “dark matter” taxa are the Candidatus bacterial phyla Cloacimonadota and Omnitrophota, both of which have been identified in global anoxic environments, including (but not limited to) organic-carbon-rich lakes. Using 24 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) obtained from an Antarctic lake (Ace Lake, Vestfold Hil

Valid publication of the names of forty-two phyla of prokaryotes

Oren, Garrity (2021). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 71 (10)
Acidobacterium Actinomyces Aquifex Armatimonas Atribacterota Atribacter Bacillus Actinomycetota Myxococcota Bacillota Chloroflexota Pseudomonadota Acidobacteriota Chlamydiota Planctomycetota “Thermofontia” Verrucomicrobiota Elusimicrobiota Nitrososphaerota Cenarchaeales
After the International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes (ICSP) had voted to include the rank of phylum in the rules of the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP), and following publication of the decision in the IJSEM, we here present names and formal descriptions of 42 phyla to effect valid publication of their names, based on genera as the nomenclatural types.