

Distribution, abundance, and ecogenomics of the Palauibacterales , a new cosmopolitan thiamine-producing order within the Gemmatimonadota phylum

Aldeguer-Riquelme et al. (2023). mSystems
Palauibacteraceae Palauibacterales Palauibacter Benthicola Humimonas Caribbeanibacter Carthagonibacter Indicimonas Kutchimonas Humimonas hydrogenitrophica Ts Caribbeanibacter nitroreducens Ts Benthicola marisminoris Ts Indicimonas acetifermentans Ts Benthicola azotiphorus Palauibacter soopunensis Ts Palauibacter scopulicola Palauibacter rhopaloidicola Palauibacter poriticola Palauibacter australiensis Palauibacter irciniicola Palauibacter denitrificans Carthagonibacter metallireducens Ts Kutchimonas denitrificans Ts Palauibacter polyketidifaciens Palauibacter ramosifaciens
ABSTRACT The phylum Gemmatimonadota comprises mainly uncultured microorganisms that inhabit different environments such as soils, freshwater lakes, marine sediments, sponges, or corals. Based on 16S rRNA gene studies, the group PAUC43f is one of the most frequently retrieved Gemmatimonadota in marine samples. However, its physiology and ecological roles are completely unknown since, to date, not a single PAUC43f isolate or me

Phylogenetic analyses of Candidatus Branchiomonas cysticola refine the taxonomic classification of Betaproteobacteria associated with epitheliocystis in fish

Bysveen Mjølnerød et al. (2023). Archives of Microbiology 205 (6)
Ca. Branchiomonas cystocola Ca. Branchiomonas “Branchiomonaceae”
AbstractCandidatus Branchiomonas cysticola is recognized as the most prevalent bacterial agent causing epitheliocystis in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Based on its partial 16S rRNA sequence, the bacterium has previously been found to be a member of Burkholderiales in the class Betaproteobacteria. Multilocus Sequence Analysis (MLSA) of the bacterium and 60 type strains of Betaproteobacteria using newly identified housekeeping genes (dnaK, rpoC, and fusA) and ribosomal subunit sequences (16S and

Metagenomic Discovery of “ Candidatus Parvarchaeales”-Related Lineages Sheds Light on Adaptation and Diversification from Neutral-Thermal to Acidic-Mesothermal Environments

Rao et al. (2023). mSystems 8 (2)
“Jingweiarchaeaceae” “Rehaiarchaeum fermentans” “Parvarchaeales” “Haiyanarchaeum thermophilum” “Jingweiarchaeum tengchongense” “Parvarchaeum tengchongense” “Haiyanarchaeum” “Jingweiarchaeum” “Haiyanarchaeaceae” “Jingweiarchaeales” “Rehaiarchaeum”
“ Candidatus Parvarchaeales” microbes may represent a lineage uniquely distributed in extreme environments such as AMD and hot springs. However, little is known about the strategies and processes of how they adapted to these extreme environments.

Comparative Genomic Insights into the Evolution of Halobacteria -Associated “ Candidatus Nanohaloarchaeota”

Zhao et al. (2022). mSystems 7 (6)
Ca. Nanohaloarchaeota
The DPANN superphylum is a group of archaea widely distributed in various habitats. They generally have small cells and have a symbiotic lifestyle with other archaea.