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Türkiye’nin Iğdır İli’nde sararma ve çalımsı görünüm gösteren biber bitkilerinde ‘Candidatus phytoplasma trifolii’nin varlığı

GÜLLER et al. (2022). Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 59 (3)
Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the group/subgroup of phytoplasma agent in peppers showing phytoplasma symptoms. Material and Methods: In this study, plants collected from Iğdır province in 2020 were analyzed using direct and nested PCR tests, and BLASTn, iphyClassifier, Mega 7, and pDRAW32 programs were used. Results: In the tests performed, approximately 1.2 kb of DNA fragments specific to phytoplasma were obtained. The 16S rRNA nucleotide sequence (1254 bp in length)

Circular metagenome-assembled genome of Candidatus Patescibacteria recovered from anaerobic digestion sludge

Sakurai et al. (2024). Microbiology Resource Announcements 13 (4)
ABSTRACT A single-contig, circular metagenome-assembled genome (cMAG) of Candidatus ( Ca. ) Patescibacteria was reconstructed from a mesophilic full-scale food waste treatment plant in Japan. The genome is of small size and lacks fundamental biosynthetic pathways. Taxonomic analysis using the Genome Taxonomy Database revealed that this cMAG belonged to the genus JAEZRQ01 ( Ca

Iam candidatus est fidei, quem filiorum et nepotum credens turba circumdat: zadnja stoletja rimskega poganstva

Maver (2003). Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca 5 (2)
Prispevek obravnava usodo rimske poganske religije v zadnjih stoletjih njenega obstoja, predvsem v obdobju med 3. in 5. stoletjem po Kristusu. Najprej na kratko predstavi temeljne značilnosti rimskega poganstva, kot sta rimsko razumevanje pojma "numen" in osredinjenost na kultni formalizem. V nadaljevanju se ukvarja s silnicami, ki so prispevale k postopnemu upadu starih izročil, npr. splošno krizo rimskega cesarstva v drugi polovici 3. stoletja in prevladujoče henoteistične težnje v sočasnem ve