Zhang, Songdou


Infection with ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ improves the fecundity of Diaphorina citri aiding its proliferation: A win‐win strategy

Nian et al. (2024). Molecular Ecology 33 (2)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
AbstractThe evolution of insect vector‐pathogen relationships has long been of interest in the field of molecular ecology. One system of special relevance, due to its economic impacts, is that between Diaphorina citri and ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ (CLas), the cause of the severe Asian form of huanglongbing. CLas‐positive D. citri are more fecund than their CLas‐negative counterparts, boosting opportunities for pathogens to acquire new vector hosts. The molecular mechanism behind this l