Schreiber, Lars


Indications for a genetic basis for big bacteria and description of the giant cable bacterium Candidatus Electrothrix gigas sp. nov

Geelhoed et al. (2023). Microbiology Spectrum 11 (5)
Electrothrix gigas Electronema Electrothrix Electrothrix communis Ts Electrothrix arhusiensis
ABSTRACT Bacterial cells can vary greatly in size, from a few hundred nanometers to hundreds of micrometers in diameter. Filamentous cable bacteria also display substantial size differences, with filament diameters ranging from 0.4 to 8 µm. We analyzed the genomes of cable bacterium filaments from 11 coastal environments of which the resulting 23 new genomes represent 10 novel species-level clades of Candidatus Electrothrix and two clades that putat

On the evolution and physiology of cable bacteria

Kjeldsen et al. (2019). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (38)
Electronema Electrothrix Electrothrix communis Ts Electrothrix arhusiensis Electronema aureum Ts
Cable bacteria of the family Desulfobulbaceae form centimeter-long filaments comprising thousands of cells. They occur worldwide in the surface of aquatic sediments, where they connect sulfide oxidation with oxygen or nitrate reduction via long-distance electron transport. In the absence of pure cultures, we used single-filament genomics and metagenomics to retrieve draft genomes of 3 marine Candidatus Electrothrix and 1 freshwater Ca.