Call for Applications | MSc Thesis Topic
Title | 2Strategies4AD: Metagenomics/Metaproteomics |
Advisor | Dr. Sebastian Hupfauf, Department of Microbiology |
Co-Advisor | Assist. Prof. Dr. Luis Miguel Rodriguez Rojas, Department of Microbiology and Digital Science Center (DiSC) |
Number of students | 1 |
Language | English |
The content of the thesis will be in the field of molecular ecology and bioinformatics. The start of the work would be planned for mid-January, although a start in early February would also be possible if desired. In the course of the Master’s thesis, an 8-week stay abroad in Köthen/Magdeburg (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany) is also planned. Thematically, the Master’s thesis deals with the molecular biological and bioinformatic analysis of samples from biogas fermenters. The samples will be analysed both at the protein level (metaproteomics) and at the DNA level (metagenomics).
A current Master’s degree in microbiology, an independent way of working and interest in the topic.