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Flight performance of the potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli) is negatively afected by 'Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum' infection

Antolínez et al. (2023).
“Liberibacter solanacearum”
Abstract Understanding vector dispersal capacity is key to assessing the risk of spread of vector borne pathogens. For flying vectors, flight performance is associated with primary and secondary pathogen spread. However, because pathogens induce changes in vector physiology, pathogen status in the vector may impact vector dispersal. In this work, by using flight mills, we assessed the flight performance of Bactericera cockerellithat were infected or not by the plant pathogenic bacterium

The terrestrial isopod symbiont ‘Candidatus Hepatincola porcellionum’ is a potential nutrient scavenger related to Holosporales symbionts of protists

Dittmer et al. (2023). ISME Communications 3 (1)
Ca. Hepatincola porcellionum
AbstractThe order Holosporales (Alphaproteobacteria) encompasses obligate intracellular bacterial symbionts of diverse Eukaryotes. These bacteria have highly streamlined genomes and can have negative fitness effects on the host. Herein, we present a comparative analysis of the first genome sequences of ‘Ca. Hepatincola porcellionum’, a facultative symbiont occurring extracellularly in the midgut glands of terrestrial isopods. Using a combination of long-read and short-read sequencing, we obtaine

‘Candidatus Rickettsia andeanae’ and Probable Exclusion of Rickettsia parkeri in Ticks from Dogs in a Natural Area of the Pampa Biome in Brazil

Krawczak et al. (2023). Pathogens 12 (3)
Ca. Rickettsia andeanae
Spotted fever illness caused by the tick-borne pathogen Rickettsia parkeri has emerged in the Pampa biome in southern Brazil, where the tick Amblyomma tigrinum is implicated as the main vector. Because domestic dogs are commonly parasitized by A. tigrinum, this canid is also a suitable sentinel for R. parkeri-associated spotted fever. Herein, we investigate rickettsial infection in ticks, domestic dogs and small mammals in a natural reserve of the Pampa biome in southern Brazil. The ticks A. tig