French-Monar, R. D.


First Report of “Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum” on Field Tomatoes in the United States

French-Monar et al. (2010). Plant Disease 94 (4)
“Liberibacter solanacearum”
In August 2008, 30% of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants in plots in Lubbock County, Texas showed yellowing, lateral stem dieback, upward leaf curling, enlargement of stems, adventitious roots, and swollen nodes. Yellowing in leaves was similar to that seen with zebra chip disease (ZC) of potato that was confirmed in a potato field 112 km away in July 2008 and was associated with a ‘Candidatus Liberibacter’ species (1), similar to findings earlier in 2008 in New Zealand and California (2,3).

First Report of the Detection of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter’ Species in Zebra Chip Disease-Infected Potato Plants in the United States

Abad et al. (2009). Plant Disease 93 (1)
Zebra chip (ZC), an emerging disease causing economic losses to the potato chip industry, has been reported since the early 1990s in Central America and Mexico and in Texas during 2000 (4). ZC was subsequently found in Nebraska, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, and Kansas (3). Severe losses to potato crops were reported in the last few years in Mexico, Guatemala, and Texas (4). Foliar symptoms include purple top, shortened internodes, small leaves, enlargement of the stems, sw