Veldman, Kees T.


A Case of Persistent Diarrhea in a Man with the Molecular Detection of Various Campylobacter species and the First Isolation of candidatus Campylobacter infans

Flipse et al. (2020). Pathogens 9 (12)
A man with a well-controlled HIV infection, previously diagnosed with lymphogranuloma venereum and treated for Hodgkin’s lymphoma, was suffering from chronic diarrhea. He travelled to Indonesia in the month prior to the start of complaints. Over a 15-month period, sequences related to Campylobactertroglodytis/upsaliensis, C. pinnepediorum/mucosalis/concisus and C. hominis were detected by 16S rRNA qPCR-based assays in various stool samples and in a colon biopsy. Culture revealed the first isolat