Levasseur, Anthony


Genomic description and prevalence of two new Candidatus Saccharibacteria species from the human gut in different samples and countries

Naud et al. (2022).
Ca. Saccharibacteria
Abstract The candidate phyla radiation (CPR) has been described as an obligatory group of ultrasmall bacteria associated with host bacteria. They phylogenetically represent a subdivision of bacteria distinct from other living organisms. Using polyphasic approaches, we screened human faecal samples for the detection of Saccharibacteria. The new sequences obtained by sequencing were compared to the complete CPR genomes available to date. Then, we attempted a co-culture of CPR-bacteria and

Flying Fox Hemolytic Fever, Description of a New Zoonosis Caused by Candidatus Mycoplasma haemohominis

Descloux et al. (2020). Clinical Infectious Diseases 73 (7)
Ca. Mycoplasma haemohominis
Abstract Background Hemotropic mycoplasmas, previously classified in the genus Eperythrozoon, have been reported as causing human infections in Brazil, China, Japan, and Spain. Methods In 2017, we detected DNA from Candidatus Mycoplasma haemohominis in the blood of a Melanesian patient from New Caledonia presenting with febrile splenomegaly, weight loss, life-threatening autoim