Daniel, Rolf


Diversity and taxonomic revision of methanogens and other archaea in the intestinal tract of terrestrial arthropods

Protasov et al. (2023). Frontiers in Microbiology 14
“Bathycorpusculaceae” “Methanimicrococcus labiotermitis” “Methanoplasma cognatum” “Methanofrustulum fimipullorum” “Methanofilum” “Methanolapillus” “Methanomicula” “Methanomicula labiotermitis” “Bathycorpusculum acetigenes” “Bathycorpusculum acidaminoxidans” “Bathycorpusculum grumuli” “Bathycorpusculum terrae” “Methanolapillus millepedarum” “Methanolapillus africanus” “Methanimicrococcus stummii” “Methanimicrococcus odontotermitis” “Methanimicrococcus hongohii” “Methanimicrococcus hacksteinii” “Methanoplasma reticulitermitis” “Methanoplasma porotermitis” “Methanoplasma glyptotermitis” “Methanofrustulum” “Bathycorpusculum fermentans” “Bathycorpusculum termitum” “Methanorbis” “Methanorbis rubei” “Methanorbis furvi” “Methanorbis basalitermitum” “Methanacia” “Methanacia filiformis” “Methanarmilla” “Bathycorpusculum” “Bathycorpusculum soli” “Methanofilum arcanum” “Methanocatella” “Methanocatella smithii” “Methanocatella gottschalkii” “Methanocatella millerae” “Methanocatella oralis” “Methanocatella thaueri” “Methanocatella woesei” “Methanarmilla wolinii” “Methanarmilla boviskoreani” “Methanobinarius” “Methanobinarius arboriphilus” “Methanobinarius endosymbioticus” “Methanobaculum” “Methanobaculum cuticularis” “Methanoflexus” “Methanoflexus curvatus” “Methanoflexus mossambicus” “Methanorudis” “Methanovirga” “Methanovirga aequatorialis” “Methanovirga australis” “Methanovirga basalitermitum” “Methanovirga meridionalis” “Methanovirga procula” “Methanolapillus ohkumae” “Bathycorpusculum hydrogenotrophicum” “Methanorudis spinitermitis” Methanomethylophilus alvi T
Methane emission by terrestrial invertebrates is restricted to millipedes, termites, cockroaches, and scarab beetles. The arthropod-associated archaea known to date belong to the orders Methanobacteriales, Methanomassiliicoccales, Methanomicrobiales, and Methanosarcinales, and in a few cases also to non-methanogenic Nitrososphaerales and Bathyarchaeales. However, all major host groups are severely undersampled, and the taxonomy of existing lineages is not well developed. Full-length 16S rRNA gen

Nitrogen fixation in a chemoautotrophic lucinid symbiosis

König et al. (2016). Nature Microbiology 2 (1)
Ca. Thiodiazotropha fergusoni “Thiodiazotropha endolucinida”
AbstractThe shallow water bivalve Codakia orbicularis lives in symbiotic association with a sulfur-oxidizing bacterium in its gills. The endosymbiont fixes CO2 and thus generates organic carbon compounds, which support the host's growth. To investigate the uncultured symbiont's metabolism and symbiont–host interactions in detail we conducted a proteogenomic analysis of purified bacteria. Unexpectedly, our results reveal a hitherto completely unrecognized feature of the C. orbicularis symbiont's

New Mode of Energy Metabolism in the Seventh Order of Methanogens as Revealed by Comparative Genome Analysis of “Candidatus Methanoplasma termitum”

Lang et al. (2015). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81 (4)
Methanoplasma termitum Ts Methanoplasma
ABSTRACT The recently discovered seventh order of methanogens, the Methanomassiliicoccales (previously referred to as “ Methanoplasmatales ”), so far consists exclusively of obligately hydrogen-dependent methylotrophs. We sequenced the complete genome of “ Candidatus Methanoplasma termitum” from a highly enriched culture obtained from the intestinal tract of termites and compared it with the previously